Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Crazy Kids

So, this is my third post in two days, I guess you could say I'm catching up. It seems like these two sweet kids of mine do new things everyday and I just think they are so darn cute, I have to share them with everyone. The past couple of days have been kind of hard on all of us because Daddy went back to work after having nearly two weeks off. Lane has asked about Daddy every hour on the hour and "why does he have to go to work?" Chloe can't say that so she just grumps around all day. I have to take up the slack of having my two extra hands removed. Paul has had a hard time too because, of course, he would much rather be home with us than at work. So...here is a little glimpse of what these kids have been up to the past few days:


J said...

Makes me grumpy, too when Dad leaves to go back to work!

J said...

So I just went back and looked at all your slide shows and posts for the last year, and it was great to 'catch up'! Loved seeing the prego pictures and the new baby pictures!