WOW! Time is really flying...I can't believe that in 3 months, Chloe will be the big birthday girl. She is growing too fast!
Where to much is happening in Chloe's little world that I don't know where to start. She is crawling very well these days and will follow you if you walk away. We have sectioned off the living room so that she can't get into the kitchen and I am trying to keep her area as clean as possible. I call it the "free zone" because it is shoe free, food free, drink free, dirt free. It's a work in progress, and she is still able to get herself into sticky situations.
**Chloe's Free Zone**
**In a tight spot**
Teeth are of constant concern these days. Chloe has 5 that you can see very well. Three on top and two on the bottom. Today number 3 on the bottom was poking through making a total of 6, but number 7 (which is on the top) will be poking through tomorrow or the next day. She has been cranky and not sleeping very well at night, but soon those little teeth will be here and we can use them for really important things like crunching Cheerios! She is learning to self-feed thanks to the old stand by: the Cheerio! She literally picks them up with her little pincher fingers and bites them in half and them gums them until they are soft. And don't give her too many at once or she'll put them all in her mouth! We've tried other foods, too. Just today she was eating tiny little pieces of chicken nugget and mac and cheese.
**Yum! Cheerios!**
I have been playing with her hair a lot lately. We have tried piggy tails a couple of times and they are very cute, but they do make her look very grown up. She just has so much hair that I don't know what to do with all of it. I even trimmed her bangs because they were in her eyes. The problem with that is that I trimmed them when she had the piggies in and when the piggies are out, the rest of her hair falls down into her eyes anyway. She has a ton of hair and I think it is getting thicker!
**Little Piggies - So Cute!**
**Ton of Hair**
In the past few days Chloe has been pulling herself up onto her knees. Today I was watching her and trying to get a picture, and she was trying to get one foot out to stand. No luck with that yet, but I am sure it is coming soon!
**Pulling up to knees**
Sorry, I know this one was long, so thanks for sticking with us. Chloe is just growing and learning by leaps and bounds these days and there is so much to tell. She remains a very sweet baby and her and Lane get along GREAT! We are looking forward to Spring and Summer with our two wonderful kids! In a couple of days, I will enter a post solely dedicated to Lane.
16 years ago